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Cocaine Addiction Treatment

cocaine rehabStimulants like cocaine are powerfully addictive and cause a variety of social, occupational, and family problems. Cocaine addicts need cocaine to feel awake, but, as we learn in treatment, feeling awake is not the same thing as being awake.

If your life has gotten out of control and you are a cocaine user, giving up cocaine can have a tremendously positive impact on your life and the lives of people close to you. If quitting on your own hasn’t been effective for you, there’s no reason to waste more time repeating a pattern that keeps giving you the same results. Contact Rise Above by calling (877) 641-0717 to check availability at our substance abuse treatment in Murrieta, CA.

Cocaine in America

Cocaine use allows people to briefly escape the effects of anxiety, depression, anxiety, trauma, low self-esteem, and other negative sentiments. According to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an estimated 966,000 Americans over the age of 12 struggle with a cocaine use disorder (CUD).

The absence of acute physical withdrawal symptoms for cocaine users causes some people to downplay the difficulty of overcoming a cocaine addiction. Once cocaine becomes your habit, quitting without assistance from a drug rehab takes more time than most people are comfortable wasting. However, finding a good rehab in SoCal is harder than you’d think. Our team at Rise Above has been together for years, and we have extensive experience helping people overcome addiction.

A Brief History of Cocaine Use

Cocaine has been used in small doses in South America for centuries before it was commercialized. Western doctors believed cocaine was a medical miracle before uncovering its dangerous and addictive potentially hazardous side effects. Cocaine has been used as an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, energy aid, and treatment for narcolepsy. In the early 20th century, researchers began recognizing the addictive nature of cocaine and the health consequences associated with continued use of the drug. In 1914, U.S. legislation made the recreational use of cocaine illegal. Despite its illegality in most U.S. states, the number of people addicted to cocaine continues to increase. Rise Above offers the following programs to help people overcome addiction in our homestyle Murrieta, California rehab center:

  • Inpatient detox
  • Residential rehab
  • Partial hospitalization (PHP)
  • Faith-based treatment program
  • Rock to Recovery
  • Sober living

Cocaine Addiction

Research illustrates that approximately 25% of people who use cocaine once will develop a chemical dependency. Addiction happens because of how quickly cocaine enters the system, the intense euphoria of a cocaine high, how devastating the comedown can be, how quickly withdrawal occurs, and the physical and psychological effects on the user’s brain.

Signs of Cocaine Use

It’s important for family, friends, and co-workers to recognize the signs and symptoms of stimulant overuse and addiction. Common indicators that a loved one is using cocaine include:

  • Aggression
  • Insomnia
  • Secretive behavior
  • Extreme irritability
  • Dilated pupils
  • Overconfidence
  • Loss of appetite
  • Taking physical risks
  • Irrational behavior
  • Employment problems
  • Relationship problems
  • Legal problems
  • Financial problems

Another indicator that a person may be using cocaine or other dangerous drugs includes the neglect of people, events, and activities that were once considered important.

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System?

When a person who feels dependent on cocaine stops using, they often experience sadness, anxiety, and slowed thinking for a few days. Other cocaine withdrawal symptoms like nightmares, increased appetite, irritability, and tiredness may last for a few months. The amount of time cocaine remains present in a person’s system depends on how much they use, their consuming method, and individual health concerns. Finding cocaine metabolites in a person’s system is another sign of a possible addiction. Cocaine metabolites can be found in the following body substances:

  • Urine: 2 to 3 days after last cocaine use (2 weeks for heavy users)
  • Perspiration: A few weeks after last cocaine use
  • Saliva: 1 to 2 days after last cocaine use
  • Blood: Up to 12 hours after last use
  • Hair samples: Months (sometimes years) after last use

If you are concerned that cocaine use has taken over your life, contact our Murrieta rehab to learn about our treatment options and determine availability by calling (877) 641-0717.

Megan Bay

Clinical Director, LMFT

About Megan Bay

I began working with Solution Based Treatment in 2019 and continued until 2021 and I am happy to be back on board.
As the Clinical Director, the day is filled with supervising the Counselors and Therapists in providing the best level of care to the clients. 

I came to the field of Addiction and Recovery with a family member approach. 
When I am not at work, my Partner and I are busy with our 2 toddlers. We love to travel and experience new things as a family.